We've released 4 new sets of MARC records, which are currently available for download at http://marc.alexanderstreet.com. As always, our MARC records are freely available. You can also find MARC records for Alexander Street collections on OCLC WorldCat.
New record sets include:
- Latin American Women Writers, supplement 2 - This set contains 133 records with links to 133 sources, in MARC8 format. To date, we've released 428 records for this collection.
- Latino Literature, supplement 1 - This set contains 82 records with links to 82 sources, in MARC8 format. To date, we've released 1,150 records for this collection.
- Dance in Video, supplement 1 - This set contains 147 records with links to 161 works, in both MARC8 and UTF8 formats. To date, we've released 244 records for this collection.
- Alexander Street Literature, supplement 1 - Please note, this supplement is intended for customer who have the full Alexander Street Literature package including drama. The set contains 215 records with links to 215 volumes, in MARC 8 fomat.
You will also find an updated release schedule at http://marc.alexanderstreet.com. Please email [email protected] with any questions or comments.
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